Principe was my first Maltese to become an Italian Champion in just
eight shows, winning the six CAC required to get the title and two
I am very proud and fond of him not only because he is very close to
my ideal of a Maltese, but because thanks to him I knew the charming
world of dog shows and I learned very much.
But Principe is not only a worthy representative of his breed; he is
an ideal fellow, a faithful friend that likes to give and receive
love: a real tender boy!
Here I quote two judges who awarded Principe some of his many
prizes: among them many BOB, BOS at the Maltese Club Show of Erba
2000 and RES. BIS at the National Dog Show of Cremona of 12/16/2001,
judged by Mr. Gianercole Mentasti (I).
years old. Dog with proud but sweet expression enhanced by the long
plaits that put in evidence tha flat and wide skull. Very good stop,
good shaped, dark ochre eyes, set well apart. The muzzle is of good
length with well developed nose. Good mouth. Very good the
pigmentation of all mucous membranes. Horn colour nails and violet
colour skin. Very good neck. Good shoulder. Very good proportions
between height and length (well in the rectangle). Rich, shining
coat without undercoat. Very good free and stylish movement.Good
rear drive. Front moves rightly”
Exc 1
Maltese Club Show - Erba 12/16/2000
Mrs. Bianca Tamagnone (I) - breed specialist
and a half years old. 24/32. Built in the rectangle. Good Skull with
correct stop. Good eye for colour, shape and expression, well round,
with black eyelid rime. Black nose pigment. Very good general
pigmentation with black lips. Correct mouth. Good ribcage, correct
front. Rear with correct angulation and well muscled. Good quality
coat with right texture. Moves tipically.
Exc 1
Specialty of Ancona 02/25/2001
Mr. Valerio Nataletti (I),